The Prisons Division facilitates specialized training related to prison operations, conducts operational networks, coordinates technical assistance, as well as programs regarding leadership and management.
The Division also sponsors publications and materials on recent trends, the latest research and topics of interest to correctional practitioners, as well as participates in an interdisciplinary effort to assist jurisdictions in developing a more efficient, cost-effective, and coordinated system of correctional operations.
The NIC Jails Division's services include training, networks, technical assistance, and information resources, such as documents and DVDs. These services are conducted under five initiatives.
The Community Services Division coordinates technical assistance, specialized training, and other programs related to probation, parole, and other forms of community-based corrections.
The Division also sponsors the development of publications and materials on topics of interest to community corrections practitioners, and it coordinates an interdisciplinary effort to assist jurisdictions in developing a more evidence-based, cost-effective, and collaborative criminal justice system.
The Academy Division sponsors technical assistance, training, and networks around three major initiatives:
Compassionate release polices allow for the early release or furlough of incarcerated people in connection to advance age and/or illness.