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The Jail System

Maine has 16 counties. According to surveys completed in 2013, there are 15 jail and adult detention facilities, with a population of 1,750 inmates.

The Prison System

As of December 31, 2015, the Maine prison population was 2,279. The state DOC operates six adult facilities.

The Community Corrections System

The average probation population supervised under the Division of Adult Community Corrections was 7,300, as of 2016. Maine does not have a parole system.

The Jail System

Louisiana has 64 parishes. According to surveys completed in 2013, there are 132 jail and adult detention facilities, with a population of 30,950 inmates.

The Prison System

As of December 31, 2015, the Louisiana prison population was 36,377. For FY206-2017, the annual budget for adult institutions is $350 million, with a staff of 4,084 employees.

The Community Corrections System

As of September 30, 2016, the Division of Probation and Parole/Adult supervised almost 41,000 probationers and 31,000 parolees in the community.

The Jail System

Kentucky has 120 counties. According to surveys completed in 2013, there are 86 jail and adult detention facilities, with a population of 19,200 inmates.

The Prison System

As of December 31, 2015, the Kentucky prison population was 21,701. The Kentucky Department of Corrections Division of Adult Institutions manages 12 correctional facilities, with annual expenditures of $285 million in 2015.

The Jail System

Kansas has 105 counties. According to surveys completed in 2013, there are 101 jail and adult detention facilities, with a population of 6,860 inmates.

The Prison System

As of December 31, 2015, the Kansas prison population was 9,857. In FY 2016, the Department employed over 3,300 employees and had a budget of $397 million.

The Jail System

Iowa has 99 counties. According to surveys completed in 2013, there are 100 jail and adult detention facilities, with a population of 4,010 inmates.

The Prison System

As of December 31, 2015, the Iowa prison population was 8,849. According the 2015 Annual Report, the Iowa Department of Corrections operating budget was $379 million.

The Community Corrections System

Iowa's eight Judicial District Departments of Correctional Services supervised about 22,000 probationers and 2,500 parolees as of June 30, 2015.

The Jail System

Indiana has 92 counties. According to surveys completed in 2013, there are 89 jail and adult detention facilities, with a population of 16,600 inmates.

The Prison System

As of December 31, 2015, the Indiana prison population was 27,355. The Department operates nineteen adult institutions and five juvenile facilities.

The Community Corrections System

As of December 31, 2015, Indiana county probation departments supervised a probation population of 113,076 and the Indiana Department of Corrections supervised a parole population of 9,434.

The Jail System

Illinois has 102 counties. According to surveys completed in 2013, there are 102 jail and adult detention facilities, with a population of 20,600 inmates.

The Prison System

As of December 31, 2015, the Illinois prison population was 46,240. The Illinois Department of Corrections operates 25 adult correctional centers, employs approximately 11,600 staff members and had a budget of $1.41 billion in FY2015.

The Jail System

Idaho has 44 counties. According to surveys completed in 2013, there are 36 jail and adult detention facilities, with a population of 3,349 inmates.

The Prison System

As of December 31, 2015, the Idaho prison population was 8,052. The Idaho Department of Correction has ten prisons and four community work centers.

The Community Corrections System

The Idaho Department of Correction Bureau of Probation and Parole had a caseload of 12,216 probationers and 4,786 parolees as of October 2016.

The Jail System

Hawaii has four counties and four jail facilities which house pretrial, transitional and very short-term sentence populations.

The Prison System

The Division of Corrections of the Department of Public Safety operates a combined jail-prison system with four prisons and four jails. As of December 31, 2015, the Hawaii prison population was 5,879. The Corrections Division had a budget of approximately $206 million in 2015.

The Jail System

Georgia has 159 counties. According to surveys completed in 2013, there are 143 jail and adult detention facilities, with a population of 41,750 inmates.

The Prison System

As of December 31, 2015, the Georgia prison population was 52,193. For FY2015, the Georgia Department of Corrections employed over 10,000 staff members, with a budget of approximately $1,201 million.

The Community Corrections System

The Georgia Department of Community Supervision oversees approximately 180,000 felony offenders.

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