In order to attend this course, you must register for IACTP conference and complete separate TOT course application process. Contact to request details.
NIC is excited to engage with Parole professionals at this year's APAI conference.
We will not have a booth, but will be attending sessions and look forward to seeing you there.
Hours and Availability:
Sunday, April 16 | Monday, April 17 | Tuesday, April 18 | Wednesday, April 19 |
All Day | All Day | All Day | All Day |
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Develop a better understanding of the Veteran Sequential Intercept Model (V-SIM) and the intervention strategies and resources available at intercepts 2-3 with this upcoming webinar.
About this Event
This webinar is the second in a two-part series titled Promoting Civility in the Correctional Workplace.
A total of 2,180 inmates were held in 80 jails in Indian country at midyear 2021, an 8% increase from the 2,020 inmates held in 82 facilities at midyear 2020. The increase follows a 30% decline in the inmate population from midyear 2019 to midyear 2020. The midyear 2021 inmate population was 25% lower than the midyear 2019 population, when 2,890 inmates were confined in Indian country jails. This decline was attributed mainly to responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
A total of about 12,200 victim service providers (VSPs) operated in the United States in 2017. Tose included non-profit, governmental, healthcare, tribal, for-profit, educational, and other organizations that served victims of crime or abuse as their primary function, or that had dedicated staff or programs to serve victims. (See Terms and definitions.) The four largest states (California, Texas, Florida, and New York), which made up about a third of the U.S. population, had nearly a quarter (23%) of the VSPs.
Newsweek, May 2014.
Report on "the mental health of corrections officers, who, according to one study, have rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) comparable to military combat veterans."
Although there is less continuity of sexual offending in the life course than stereotypes suggest, treatment should lead to a further reduction of reoffending. Contrary to this aim, a recent large British study using propensity score matching (PSM) showed some negative effects of the core sex offender treatment program (SOTP) in prisons. International meta-analyses on the effects of sex offender treatment revealed that there is considerable variety in the results, and methodological aspects and the context play a significant role.
With a few hyper-localized exceptions that require targeted attention, violent crime rates are lower today than they have been at any point over the past four decades. However, this era of public safety has been misrepresented by some media reports and public commentary concluding that violent crime increases in a few cities equal a sweeping national problem. This brief examines those erroneous conclusions about current crime trends—using both existing and original research—and describes how to avoid common pitfalls when interpreting statistics on violent crime.
This a new brief from the Stepping Up partners designed to help counties identify the number of people booked into jails who have serious mental illnesses (SMI) and to better connect these individuals to treatment. Determining the number of people who have SMI in jails allows counties to develop or refine strategic plans that will have the greatest impact on addressing this population’s needs.