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What Corrections Professionals Can Do to Prevent Suicide

The Role of Corrections Professionals in Preventing Suicide
Inmates and Suicide Risk
Recognizing the Warning Signs
Responding to the Warning Signs
Suicide Prevention in Correctional Facilities
• Resources for Corrections Professionals
• General Resources on Suicide and Suicide Prevention

Reentry: From Prison to the Streets, Making it Work (2017)

Forkey, Katie. New Jersey Reentry Corporation (Jersey City, NJ).
“The New Jersey Reentry Corporation (NJRC) was designed to provide supportive services to ease this transition back into the community … [and] developed a comprehensive social service model to provide for critically needed services to returning persons … The success of the program is best documented in the 19.7 percent recidivism rate and the 62 percent employment rate of our clients” (p. 4-5).

Easing Reentry through Employability Skills Training for Incarcerated Youth (2016)

VanderPyl, Taryn. Journal of Applied Juvenile Justice Services.

This article focuses on services and supports or teaching employability skills at each of the stages of the juvenile justice process - before, during, and after incarceration. The psychological damage to youth resulting from incarceration is examined as well as the impact on obtaining and maintaining employment post incarceration. Resources are provided for practitioners to find evidence-based interventions and supports for the youth with whom they work.

Justice-Involved Victims of Battering with Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Co-Occurring Disorders: Internet Resources (2015)

"As an increasing number of women enter the criminal legal system - and subsequently reenter their communities after serving time in prison or jail - there has also been a growing recognition that many of these women are living with substance abuse and/or mental health issues. Additionally, many of these women also have trauma and abuse histories. This internet resource listing includes research and reports that address the intersections of gender with histories of trauma and with mental health, substance abuse, or co-occurring disorders."

NCDBW Reentry Resources (2017)

National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women (NCDBW) (Philadelphia, PA).

When Victims of Battering Return to the Community after Jail or Prison: The National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women has compiled a number of resource listings about survivors as they reenter their communities after being incarcerated in prison and/or jail.

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