"The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of multiple adverse life experiences (sexual abuse, homelessness, running away, and substance abuse in the family) on suicide ideation and suicide attempt among adolescents at an urban juvenile detention facility in the United States."
"Need to Know: A Fact Sheet Series on Juvenile Suicide was developed by the Youth in Contact with the Juvenile Justice System Task Force of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. The task force’s Public Awareness and Education Workgroup developed this series to raise awareness among individuals who work with youth involved with the juvenile justice system"
"The 2012 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (the National Strategy) is the result of a joint effort by the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General and the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance). The National Strategy is a call to action that is intended to guide suicide prevention actions in the United States over the next decade. It outlines four strategic directions with 13 goals and 60 objectives that are meant to work together in a synergistic way to prevent suicide in the nation."
"Preventing Suicide among Justice-Involved Youth: Newly Developed Tools, Recommendations, and Research This webinar held on April 17, 2014, described new resources from the Action Alliance’s Youth in Contact with the Juvenile Justice System Task Force. This webinar summarized the work of the Juvenile Justice Task Force and include in-depth discussion of the research findings and recommendations. It will be the first of a series of webinars that will be archived with the materials described above.
"The task force produced resources, organized by workgroup name and described in greater detail below, to provide findings, recommendations, and practical tools for juvenile justice and mental health system administrators and staff."
"Youth with mental health disorders continue to enter and remain in juvenile detention, corrections, and adult jails and prisons. Some of these youth are mildly disturbed; others have a serious mental illness. Their ability to function in a facility can be compromised by:"
"The old adage, “If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen,” does not represent the truth. We do not write down everything that happens in our lives, day-to-day, hour-by-hour. A great deal happens to us that we do not document. However, in juvenile detention centers, juvenile correctional facilities, and adult facilities that serve youth, that old saying is not just a figure of speech, it is a truism. Comprehensive recording and report writing, based on vigilant observation of behavior and events, is essential to verify that something did occur and to record the details of the event."
"The Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) reported a 40% increase in suicides between 2008 and 2014. As of September 2015, the average number of suicide attempts in Texas prisons each month had jumped 28% from 81.7 attempts per month in 2014 to 104.5 attempts per month during the first eight months of 2015."
"Sentinel Event Reviews for Suicide and Self-harm in Correctional Facilities"
"...and since then, at least 810 people have lost their lives in jail."