"Sexual abuse of people in confinement violates their basic human rights, impedes the likelihood of their successful reentry into the community, and violates the Government’s obligation to provide safe and humane conditions of confinement. The government’s obligation is even stronger when it comes to ensuring the safety of young people in its custody, youth who by virtue of their age are even more vulnerable to abuse and less likely to be able to protect themselves."
"This operating procedure provides guidance for the Department of Corrections related to Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (Public Law No. 108-79) (PREA) and standards compliance, and will serve to direct staff to specific PREA related content in other DOC operating procedures."
"The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures in accordance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act to assure the provisions of high quality, supportive health care services for victims of sexual assault or abuse as well as for victims of physical violence."
"The Department of Justice (Department) is issuing a final rule adopting national standards to prevent, detect, and respond to prison rape, pursuant to the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA). The Department is requesting comment on one issue relating to staffing in juvenile facilities."
"On a recent day at the Maryland Correctional Institution for Women, inmates in jumpsuits peek out of their cells to see three men with clipboards walk into the housing unit. These men are auditors doing a practice inspection. They're here to see if the facility complies with a federal law called the Prison Rape Elimination Act, or PREA."
Power Point - PREA Audit Instrument Introduction June 13, 2013.
"The PREA fact bulletin series is an American Jail Association project funded by the national PREA Resource Center (PCR). Each bulletin covers a specific topic relative to meeting PREA compliance. The intent of the bulletins is to be a quick, and general guide and not an all inclusive and comprehensive coverage of the topic.The topics for the bulletins were selected based on input from the field about the issues that present unique challenges for jails as they work toward PREA compliance and to clarify issues that present the most questions.
Standards for Prisons and Jails, Responsive Planning - Prisons and Jails, raining and Education - Prisons and Jails, Screening for Risk of Sexual Victimization and Abusiveness - Prisons and Jails, Reporting - Prisons and Jails, Official Response Following an Inmate Report - Prisons and Jails, Investigations - Prisons and Jails, Discipline - Prisons and Jails, Medical and Mental Care - Prisons and Jails, Data Collection and Review - Prisons and Jails, Audits - Prisons and Jails, Auditing and Corrective Action - Prisons and Jails, State Compliance - Prisons and Jails.
"An Act to provide for the analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape in Federal, State, and local institutions and to provide information, resources, recommendations, and funding to protect individuals from prison rape."
"Sexual abuse is not an inevitable feature of incarceration. Leadership matters because corrections administrators can create a culture within facilities that promotes safety instead of one that tolerates abuse." - National Prison Rape Elimination Commission."