An overview of key issues and reform trends relating to evidence-based practices and links to information on each one, as well as the most recent research, cutting-edge reforms, model policies, links to experts, and toolkits to take action.
At the end of 2012, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) launched the Juvenile Justice Reform and Reinvestment Initiative (JJRRI) in three demonstration sites in Delaware, Iowa, and Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. The goal of JJRRI was to bring evidence and best practices to bear on juvenile justice operations.
Shirley, Glennor. LIBREAS - Library Ideas.
"State and Federal prisons provide services, including libraries for individuals in their prisons, while jails and detention center inmates receive services from their local counties. This article will focus primarily on library services in State prisons" (p. 1).
Lehmann, Vibeke, and Joanne Locke. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) (The Hague, Netherlands). IFLA Professional Reports, No. 92.
Dalton, Michelle. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, v. 8 n. 2, p. 248-250.
"To explore how collection development policies currently support the role and purpose of prison libraries, and to explore if the accessibility of circulation records impacts on patron privacy" (p.248).
Jordet, Judith.
"Managing a prison library based on demographics and statistics could be tedious and boring, but not when I am passionately pursuing the goal to create the most fertile ground for increasing literacy in the prison population. The two basic questions demographics can tell me is “what are some common characteristics of the target population?” and “How does a prison population compare to the wider culture?” The collection development plan has one objective, to promote reading in an inmate population."
Greater Edmonton Library Association (GELA). Women’s Prison Sub-Committee (Edmonton, Alberta)
This policy covers: Budget; Selection Criteria; Collection Evaluation; Deselection Criteria; Donations Policy; Needs assessment.
Rabina, Debbie and Emily Drabinski. Brooklyn Library Faculty Publications, n. 15.
Drabinski, Emily and Debbie Rabina. Brooklyn Library Faculty Publications, n. 14.
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