With Models for Change support, the DuPage County juvenile court has taken steps to strengthen its responses to sexual offending by youth and, along the way, learned valuable lessons from which other jurisdictions can benefit.
Alliance for Safety and Justice
Justice Research Statistics Association.
This annotated bibliography of statistical resources covers topics such as: domestic violence, human trafficking, prevalence of victimization, family violence, management of sex offenders, and crimes against children.
After a critical hearing in New York, a spotlight is taking shape on the utility of “therapeutic polygraphs,” a treatment the U.S. probation system has used for decades on sex offenders.
This report is a summary and compendium of research on sexual violence from 2005-2014 mostly from the United States. California Coalition Against Sexual Assault, 2014.
In the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, the victim of a hate crime may be an individual, a business, an institution, or society as a whole. In 2014, the nation’s law enforcement agencies reported that there were 6,727 victims of hate crimes. Of these victims, 46 were victimized in 17 separate multiple-bias incidents.
Facebook has made a change about how it treats users who are in prison. While past policy allowed prison authorities to delete inmates’ accounts effectively at will, the social network now requires them to explain why the prison wants to erase an account. Fortune, 2015.
Facebook webpage form used to report an inmate's account as a safety risk.
This website contains the federal and individual state laws on cyberstalking. Working to Halt Online Abuse.
This guide is designed to help advocates and attorneys work with survivors of non-intimate partner sexual assault to identify potential threats and create a safety plan tailored to the individual’s needs and concerns. While parts of this guide may be useful when safety planning with minors, the guide is designed with adult survivors of sexual assault in mind. Victim Rights Law Center, 2013.