By targeting high-risk offenders, mainly those with long-term drug addictions, giving them access to the services they need whether that be drug treatment, mental health treatment or other life skills - and then having continuous contact with them to help them stay sober - the program hopes to keep repeat offenders out of jail once and for all.
"This report fills a critical gap in understanding the mass incarceration phenomenon: it offers a way to quantify the degree to which in each state mass incarceration is about sending Blacks and Latinos to communities with very different racial/ethnic make-ups than their own. We use data from the 2010 Census to compare the race and ethnicity of incarcerated people to that of the people in the surrounding county, finding that, for many counties, the racial and ethnic make-up of these populations is very different."
A Guide to the Parole Consideration Process for People in Georgia Prisons.
"Story Highlights: Perceptions of nationwide crime unchanged from 2015, Perceptions of local crime also steady, 60% of Americans believe crime problem in U.S. extremely or very serious"
The mission of the Parole Board is to increase public safety by evaluating an individual’s potential for successful reintegration to the community through the use of innovative evidence informed practices.
"Story Highlights: Percentage who say justice system "not tough enough" shrinks to 45%, 38% say drug crime sentencing guidelines are "too tough""
"Story Highlights: Gallup has not found a lower level of support since 57% in 1972, Support peaked at 80% in 1994, Less than half of Democrats now favor the death penalty"
Secretary of State Rule Number 158.
"Although local jails are increasingly recognized as the “front door” to mass incarceration, justice system stakeholders and others historically have not had access to the necessary data to understand how their jail is being used and how it compares with others. To address this issue, Vera researchers developed a data tool that includes current and historical jail incarceration rates for every U.S. county.
The completion of this comprehensive survey and the reporting of its findings offers a timely and invaluable resource for releasing authorities. It provides them and other key justice system stakeholders with a comparative understanding of their colleagues’ work across the nation, and contributes to a larger conversation pertaining to effective parole release and revocation practices.