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Offender Screening Tool (OST) (2017)

Arizona Judicial Branch

The offender screening tool (OST) is an assessment of the defendant’s risk to reoffend and criminogenic needs. There are 9 categories, or domains, assessed in the OST. The OST is a standardized, statewide, validated tool approved by the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC).

Swift and Sure Sanctions Probation Program (2017)

This webinar goes over the history of Swift and Sure; key concepts for program success; eligibility criteria; and day-to-day operations including court hearings, supervision, drug testing, and sanctions following violations." (running time 12:42)

Outcome Findings from the HOPE Demonstration Field Experiment: Is Swift, Certain, and Fair an Effective Supervision Strategy?

Abstract only/Full-text for purchase.

More than 1,500 probationers in four sites were randomly assigned to probation as usual (PAU) or to Honest Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE), which is modeled on Hawaii's Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (Hawaii HOPE) program that emphasizes close monitoring; frequent drug testing; and swift, certain, and fair (SCF) sanctioning.

The Justice-Involved Veterans Network (JIVN) Working Group Meeting (2016)

The National Institute of Corrections over the last three-plus decades established and sustained a broad array of networks, which are designed to bring together people from a particular discipline within the larger criminal justice and corrections arenas. These networks have proven an effective means for professionals to share information, germinate ideas, provide a repository for information and educate stakeholders.

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