NIC Webinars and Broadcasts
About this collection
This page is our concentrated collection of streaming video resources, a subset of our larger NIC collection. These items are mostly NIC webinar trainings, broadcasts, and recordings from other virtual sessions or video products that NIC's staff have produced. It does not include our eCourses, found in our online learning center.
LGBTI Populations: Their Safety, Your Responsibility [Internet Broadcast]
Health, Justice, Women: Transforming Systems - Changing Lives [Internet Broadcast]
Video, Streaming Video
Addiction, The Brain, and Evidence Based Treatment
Motivational Interviewing in Corrections-National Institute of Corrections-DC Public Safety Radio
National Institute of Corrections and DC Pretrial-Measuring What Matters-DC Public Safety
Correctional Industries: A Working Solution [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
Performance Based Measurement System: What Really Counts in Corrections! [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held September 14, 2011]
A Model for Social Justice: Collaboration Between Faith-Based and Community Organizations and Corrections: Highlights
Essential Skills for New Supervisors
Video, Streaming Video
Reduce Costs, Lower Risks, Enhance Healthcare Services: The Promise of Effective Pharmaceutical Management [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
Crisis Intervention Teams: An Effective Response to Mental Illness in Corrections [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
Streaming Video
Avoiding Inmate Setups
Streaming Video