NIC Webinars and Broadcasts
About this collection
This page is our concentrated collection of streaming video resources, a subset of our larger NIC collection. These items are mostly NIC webinar trainings, broadcasts, and recordings from other virtual sessions or video products that NIC's staff have produced. It does not include our eCourses, found in our online learning center.
Youthful Offenders - DC Public Safety Television
The Corrections Profession: Maintaining Safety and Sanity, Part 2
The Corrections Profession: Maintaining Safety and Sanity, Part 1
Trauma-Informed Juvenile Justice and Mental Health Systems: Why We Need Them, How to Move Forward Toward Them
Safeguarding Your Sexual Safety: A PREA Orientation Video
Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Community Corrections
Sustainability in Prisons
The Value of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils in Wisconsin
Doing it Right: Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice - an NJJN Webinar
Health, Justice, Women: Behavioral Health and OB/GYN [Internet Broadcast]
Video, Streaming Video
Reinventing the Criminal Justice System--Justice Reinvestment
From Research to Application: The Case for Learning and Performance [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]