National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington DC)
Behavior Management of Justice-Involved Individuals: Contemporary Research and State-of-the-Art Policy and Practice
"All justice-involved individuals who are under community supervision are expected to abide by a set of conditions.
Video Visiting in Corrections: Benefits, Limitations, and Implementation Considerations
"The purpose of this guide is to inform the development of video visiting programs within a correctional setting.
Respectful Classification Practices with LGBTI Inmates [Lesson Plans]
"Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex (LGBTI) and gender non-conforming inmates represent particularly vulnerable populations with unique
Pretrial Analysis for Middlesex County, Massachusetts Technical Assistance Report and Addendum
"This report summarizes the primary findings and recommendations from a pretrial analysis for Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
Prison Inmates' Prerelease Application for Medicaid: Take-up Rates in Oregon
"People leaving prison often return to the community lacking health insurance and thus access to appropriate health care.
BIA Adult Detention Facility Guidelines
This resource contains: The BIA Adult Detention Facility Guidelines are drawn from the national Performance-Based Core Jail Standards, developed by
BIA Adult Detention Facility Guidelines: Assessing, Achieving, and Sustaining Compliance: Lesson Plans and Slides [and] Participant Manual
Participants of this training program will: understand the U.S.
Toolkit for Developing Family-Focused Jail Programs
"Through no fault of their own, millions of children have been exposed to and affected by the criminal justice system by witnessing their parent be
Policy Review and Development Guide: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Persons in Custodial Settings, 2nd Edition
"In the first edition of this guide, we aimed to reach out to correctional agencies in order to help them identify, address, and respond to abuse o
Evidence-Based Decision Making: Victim Service Provider User's Guide
"The purpose of this Guide is to prepare and assist VSPs [victim service providers) to become part of an EBDM [Evidence-Based Decision Making] poli
No Place for Youth: Girls in the Adult Justice System
This report is necessary reading for anyone working with or concerned about girls who are incarcerated in adult correctional facilities.
Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) Initiative Phase 2 Site Reports
"TJC [Transition from Jail to Community] represents an integrated approach spanning organizational boundaries to deliver needed information, servic
Transgender Persons In Custody: The Legal Landscape
Do you and your agency have questions about the management of transgender persons in custody?
Critical Issues Impacting Women in the Justice System: A Literature Review
“In the following, we review the literature relevant to the study of violence and safety in women’s prison.
Barracks Behind Bars In Veteran-Specific Housing Units, Veterans Help Veterans Help Themselves
The purpose of Veterans Treatment Courts is to offer vets with a substance use problem and/or diagnosis of a mental health issue an opportunity to
A Framework for Evidence-Based Decision Making in State and Local Criminal Justice Systems
In June 2008, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) launched the “Evidence-Based Decision Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems” initiativ
Pretrial Release and Probation: What is the Same and What is Different?
According to those who study evidence-based teaching methods, comparing and contrasting two different objects, persons, or even fields and discipli
Barracks Behind Bars II: In Veteran-Specific Housing Units, Veterans Help Veterans Help Themselves
This paper is the fourth in the National Institute of Corrections justice-involved veteran compendium project.
Recommendations for Practice: Post-Conviction Victims' Rights and Services
In 2017, the National Institute of Corrections and the National Crime Victim Law Institute began work on a project to analyze existing rights and s
Dosage Probation: A Prescription Based on Two Pilot Sites' Experiences
The dosage probation model suggests that the length of supervision should be determined by the number of hours of intervention necessary to reduce
Using Front End Interventions To Achieve Public Safety And Healthy Communities
The symposium highlighted promising law enforcement, prosecutorial, and judicial interventions at the pretrial stage and promoted dialogue among ju
Communicating with Families and Children in Correctional Facilities [Webinar]
This webinar was created for the Family Connections Project.
The Mindful Supervisor [Webinar]
Are you striving to meet organizational goals and crucial deadlines, yet wondering why your team’s morale has decreased?
Objective Prison Classification: A Guide for Correctional Agencies
Classification systems help minimize the potential for prison violence, escape, and institutional misconduct.
Measuring What Matters: Outcome and Performance Measures for the Pretrial Services Field (2nd ed)
The first edition of this publication was released in 2011.
Community Supervision Operational and Organizational Stress: White Paper
Community supervision officers work with individuals under supervision for a sustained period of time, placing officers in a situation where they a
Community Supervision Staff Trauma and Organizational Stress Needs Assessment
This needs assessment was developed by Rulo Strategies LLC and the National Center for State Courts with the support of the National Institute of C
Community Supervision Staff Trauma and Organizational Stress: Summary of Findings
In 2021, Rulo Strategies, in collaboration with the National Center for State Courts, completed a literature review, the results of which were summ
Communicating with Families and Children in Correctional Facilities; Part 2
This webinar is part of a series created for the Family Connections Project, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) invites you to attend a 1.
Putting the Science into Self-Injury Risk Assessment and Prevention
Are you interested in learning about some of the reasons that people repeatedly and purposely injure themselves?
What's Your Eye Chart Saying? How Our Beliefs Filter Our Views, Part 1
When was the last time you had your eyes examined?
Building Inclusion Across Multi-Disciplinary Teams, Part 2
Do you feel like you are working in an inclusive environment?
A Leader's Role in Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Culture, Part 3
The landscape of the work environment has been irreversibly changed.
That's DOPE - Making Every Voice Count!, Part 4
We know how you say it matters, and now, in today’s multicultural world, why we said it is equally important.
Solving the Dilemma of Self-Injurious Behavior in the Incarcerated Population [Webinar]
Do you want to develop a better understanding of the self-injurious behavior found among adults under your care and custody in a correctional setti
Collaborative Case Work with Justice Involved Women
This report provides a description of the Collaborative Case Work Model for Justice-Involved Women (CCW-W), previously known as the Women Offender
Corrections Stress Needs Assessment
The field of corrections has long been recognized as a high stress profession.
The Foundation of Practical Application of Risk, Need, and Responsivity in the Age of COVID-19 and Justice Reform
Risk and need (RNR) assessments have been administered in the criminal justice system for decades but often have not influenced professional decisi
Learning to Lead from the Inside Out
So, you are a leader now? Here comes the hard part, working on you! Every leader who seeks to transform people and organizations must look inward.
Learning to Value Your Employees
As a leader, when was the last time you seriously thought about the kind of influence you want to have on your people?
Model Practices for Parents in Prisons and Jails: Building Partnerships and Innovative Practices
The National Institute of Corrections in collaboration with the Bureau of Justice Assistance presented “Building Partnerships & Innovative Prac
Learning to Drive Meaningful Change [Webinar]
Every leader must be a change agent to survive and thrive.
Measuring What Matters: Outcome and Performance Measures for the Pretrial Services Field [Webinar]
Like its previous edition, Measuring What Matters, Second Edition helps agencies gather consistent and meaningful data to track the performance of
Understanding Veteran-Specific Resources Available to Both Veterans and Criminal Justice Agencies
Do you want to develop a better understanding of the veteran-specific resources available to both criminal justice agencies and to veterans?
Managing Substance Withdrawal in Jails: A Legal Brief (2022)
The Bureau of Justice Assistance and the National Institute of Corrections collaborated on a brief that describes the scope of the challenges facin
Community Supervision Peer Support Program Guidelines
The Community Supervision Peer Support Program Guidelines were developed by community supervision leaders, front-line officers, and peer team suppo
National Survey of Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils
This publication presents findings from a national survey of criminal justice coordinating council (CJCC) directors and members.
Perceptions of Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
Criminal justice coordinating councils (CJCCs) emerged in the 1970s and 80s as a means for systemic collaboration to improve the justice system.
Veteran Intercepts in the Criminal Justice System - [Webinar Series]
Develop a better understanding of the Veteran Sequential Intercept Model (V-SIM) and the intervention strategies and resources available at each in
Leadership Webinar Series [Webinar Series]
Have you ever struggled to decide whether it is more important to support your people or your agency?