National Institute of Corrections (NIC) (Washington DC)
Incorporating Services and Support into Pretrial Supervision: Is There a Best Model?
Behavioral health and social service needs are common in most arrest populations.
Promoting Pretrial Success: A New Model for Pretrial Supervision
Pretrial supervision is a critical function of most pretrial services agencies.
Family Connections in Correctional Facilities: Informational Webinar on TTA Opportunity [Webinar]
This webinar took place August 28, 2018.
Tools of the Trade: A Guide to Incorporating Science Into Practice
The application of evidence-based research findings to the practice of offender supervision is explained.
National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils
The National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils is a comprehensive framework for the formation and ongoing management of
CJCC Essential Elements: A Companion to the National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils
The CJCC Essential Elements document is a companion publication to the National Standards for Criminal Justice Coordinating Councils.
Risk Assessment in Parole Decision-Making
Criminal justice systems around the world use risk assessment instruments (RAIs).