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Parole Resources

As a parole professional, you are learning about or are already familiar with the process of assisting parolees through the supervised process of regular checkins, helping them participate in rehab programs, and abiding by all other conditions of their release. It's about helping a formerly incarcerated person reacclimate to the community successfully so that they have a reduce risk of reoffending.

This page is designed to provide parole professionals like you with the resources you need to succeed in your work and achieve your goals. The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) offers a variety of parole resources such as streaming videos, publications, and resource links that can help you stay informed about the latest best practices and research in the field. Whether you're looking for information on risk assessment, supervision strategies, or program evaluation, we have the resources you need to help your clients succeed and achieve successful reintegration into society. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to help you achieve your goals as a parole professional and support your clients in the best way possible.