"Offender tracking systems generate vast amounts of data; however, community corrections agencies that operate offender tracking programs report that it is often difficult to share this data. This problem is most clearly manifested in cases where an agency is ending its contractual relationship with one offender tracking provider and moving to another. Agencies have expressed a desire to automatically transfer as much information as possible (e.g. demographic data, location data, violation and alert data) from a previous provider to populate the data fields of the new providers software. This capability would allow the retention of important historical data and streamline the client re-enrollment process. This project was an effort to develop the models and technical components, in the form of a service specification, specific to the transfer of offender tracking information between systems. The goal of this project was to develop a Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Service Specification Package (SSP) for the transfer of offender tracking information (offender tracking record) from one offender tracking system to another. Further, it is envisioned that this SSP could provide a foundation for future information exchange initiatives between multiple criminal justice agencies and the various offender tracking system providers that operate in this country. The capability for automated information sharing across jurisdictions and provider software platforms would greatly enhance public safety."
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Offender Tracking Record Transfer Service Specification, Version 1.0 (2016)
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