Preventing Jail Crowding: A Practical Guide
An explanation on how to use the jail population analysis formula is offered.
Results of Data Analysis: NIC Needs Assessment on Correctional Management and Executive Leadership Development
Demographics, turnover, and leadership development for four levels of correctional management (e.g., executive leaders, senior leaders, managers, a
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 2003
These proceedings are comprised of:
Adult and Juvenile Correctional Population Projections: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2018
Projections for the changes in Texas’ adult and juvenile correctional populations are presented.
Deaths in Custody in Australia to 30 June 2011: Twenty Years of Monitoring by the National Deaths in Custody Program Since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
“Compiled for two decades by the Australian Institute of Criminology, this report found both the Indigenous and non-Indigenous rates of deaths in c
Adult and Juvenile Correctional Population Projections: Fiscal Years 2014 to 2019
This is a great example of a report that informs the state legislature about population growth in both the adult and juvenile system.
The Racial Geography of Mass Incarceration
This is an excellent report that addresses the critical issues surrounding the building of prisons in and the transfer of inmates to areas that are
Forecasting Future Inmate Population
"Correctional facilities are mission driven.
World Female Imprisonment List
"This third edition of the World Female Imprisonment List shows the number of women and girls held in penal institutions in 219 prison systems in i
2019 Corrections Environmental Scan
Now in its 14th edition, an updated online version of the Corrections Environment Scan is presented here.
Understanding Trends in Jail Populations, 2014-2019: A Multi-Site Analysis
This report examines and compares jail admissions, length of stay, average daily population, and bed days used in three U.S.