Crisis intervention
Crisis Intervention Teams: A Frontline Response to Mental Illness in Corrections [Lesson Plans and Participant's Manual]
The tools, strategies, and techniques that will allow corrections staff, mental health service providers, and advocates to work together to develop
Statewide Law Enforcement/Mental Health Efforts: Strategies to Support and Sustain Local Initiatives
“The purpose of this document is to provide readers with a description of how statewide efforts can be organized and play a role in supporting SPRs
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting: September 2017
Presentations: “Mental Health Inmate Management-Texas Initiative” (1) “Jails and the Sandra Bland Act” by Dennis D.
Law Enforcement Officers Respecting Service, Restoring Honor for Vets in Crisis
This white paper is based on a series of interviews, buttressed by personal observations, of key players in several jurisdictions where law enforce
Does NIC have information on crisis intervention teams (CIT)? (2022)
With the closure of state hospitals beginning in the 1970’s and the shrinking resources in many communities, there is a large and disproportionate