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What populations was the WRNA validated for?

Date of Publication

Generally, the WRNA has been validated with adult, system-involved women assigned to institutions, pre‐release, community residential settings, probation, and parole/post-release supervision after having been adjudicated guilty for an offense. The WRNA is not currently validated for use for women on pre-trial status. And although some jurisdictions may decide to use the instrument to inform judicial sentencing decisions, it was not designed specifically for this purpose, nor for determining an “in or out” decision (i.e., incarceration versus no incarceration). Such decisions should be based on local sentencing guidelines and the larger correctional philosophies of each jurisdiction.

The WRNA was found to perform differently depending on the environment; some needs predict institutional adjustment problems better than they predict community recidivism. It is important for your agency to consider what needs are more potent in the setting you are providing services in.