Probation & Parole - Probation - Mentally Ill Offenders
Improving Outcomes for People with Mental Illnesses Under Community Corrections Supervision: A Guide to Research-Informed Policy and Practice
“This guide is organized around policymakers’ common questions about people with mental illnesses under community corrections supervision and the type and effectiveness of strategies designed to respond to this population” (p.3). Sections include: executive summary; introduction; the extent and nature of the problem; strategies to improve outcomes for people with mental illnesses under community corrections supervision; future research questions and implications for policy and practice; and conclusion.
Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses: The Essential Elements of Specialized Probation Initiatives
“This report articulates 10 essential elements for all probation interventions that involve people with mental illnesses, regardless of the particular program model” (p. vii). The essential elements are: collaborative planning and administration; defining, identifying, and assessing a target population; designing the initiative and matching individuals to supervision and treatment options; setting conditions of community supervision; developing an individualized case plan; providing or linking to treatment and services; supporting adherence to conditions of community supervision and case plans; providing specialized training...
Mental health specialized probation caseloads: Are they effective? (2014)
With the large and growing number of persons with mental illnesses under probation supervision, a form of specialized probation called specialized mental health caseload (SMHC) has been implemented. This study explores the effectiveness of a prototypic SMHC implemented statewide.
How do Probation Officers Assess and Manage Recidivism and Violence Risk for Probationers With Mental Health Disorder? An Experimental Investigation (2012)
The present study examined the effect of mental health and substance abuse diagnoses had on probation officers’ (PO) perception of risk and the impact on their case management decisions.
How Do Probation Officers Assess and Manage Recidivism and Violence Risk for Probationers With Mental Disorder? (2012)
The present study examined the effect of mental health and substance abuse diagnoses had on probation officers’ (PO) perception of risk and the impact on their case management decisions.