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Gangs (Security Threat Groups) - General

  • document preview for The Problem of Gangs and Security Threat Groups (STG's) in American Prisons and Jails Today: Recent Findings from the 2012 NGCRC National Gang/STG Survey

    The Problem of Gangs and Security Threat Groups (STG's) in American Prisons and Jails Today: Recent Findings from the 2012 NGCRC National Gang/STG Survey

    This is an excellent publication containing a wealth of information about problems associated with gangs and security threat groups (STGs) in American jails and prisons. Sections of this report include: introduction; prior research; definitions; methodology; characteristics of the responding correctional facilities; scope and extent of the gang/STG problem in American corrections; the issue of gang recruitment behind bars; the issues and controversies about religious worship for inmates and prisoners; the issue of racial extremism and racial conflict behind bars; the...

  • document preview for Prisoner Classification and Gang Activity

    Prisoner Classification and Gang Activity

    This article provides a brief but very informative explanation of how courts rule on cases involving custodial risk levels based on the previous gang activity of the prisoner. Sections cover: issue introduction; classifying gang members; Michigan’s Security Threat Group (STG); quantum of evidence; due process; and failure to classify

  • document preview of "From Your First Cigarette to Your Last Dyin’ Day": The Patterning of Gang Membership in the Life-Course

    "From Your First Cigarette to Your Last Dyin’ Day": The Patterning of Gang Membership in the Life-Course

    This article examines gang membership through a life-course lens. The life-course approach looks at how events in an individual's life history affect that person's future decisions and actions. Results are presented for: the correlates of gang membership in a national sample; the age-graded prevalence of gang membership; distinct pathways of gang membership in the life-course; and correlates of gang membership pathways. This study's findings "demonstrate that gang membership is strongly age-graded, much like criminal offending ... While gang membership is...

  • Deradicalization: A Review of the Literature with Comparison to Findings in the Literatures on Deganging and Deprogramming (2010)

    This literature review begins with a discussion of the affiliative factors contributing to a person’s radicalization at the mass, group, and individual levels. Ideology does not seem to be “the” or possibly even “a” primary factor. The study continues with reasons for exiting, factors that may inhibit leaving an extremist group, and deradicalization efforts. Following these sections is a look at gangs and cults. It appears that deradicalization, deganging, and deprogramming efforts are not overly effective because they do not address the central affiliative factors important to the individual.

  • History of Street Gangs in the United States (2010)

    This bulletin should be the first stop for anyone interested in gangs and their history. Topics discussed include: the influence of population migration patterns on gang emergence; street gang emergence in the Northeast; gangs in New York City; modern-day Eastern gangs; street gangs in Chicago; modern-day Midwest gangs; gang names and alliances; gang growth in the West; Los Angeles’ gangs; modern-day gangs in the West; gang emergence in the South; immigrant group waves; “transnational” gangs; 18th Street Gang; Mara Salvatrucha 13; Central America gang member estimates; U.S. gang involvement in drug trafficking along the U.S.-Mexico border; cartel territories and drug...

  • National Gang Threat Assessment (2011)

    The gang estimates presented in the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment (NGTA) represent the collection of data provided by the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) through the National Drug Threat Survey, Bureau of Prisons, State Correctional Facilities, and National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) law enforcement partners. An overview of how these numbers were collected is described within the Scope and Methodology Section of the NGTA. The estimates were provided on a voluntary basis and may include estimates of gang members as well as gang associates. Likewise, these estimates may not capture gang membership in jurisdictions that may have underreported or...

  • Gangs and Gang Crime (2011)

    This website has general information about gangs as well as links to other topics such as "what is a gang?", gang activity and prevalence, research and evaluation projects on gangs.

  • If You Don't Know About Gangs - You Should, Parts I-III (2012)

    This series of articles provide a general primer about gangs on the street and in prisons. Topics discussed include what a gang is, gang violence, reasons juveniles join gangs, the gang leader, gang protectiveness, and recruiting of new members. Information is then provided for the Bloods, Crips, Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation (Latin Kings), Neta Association, Mara Sakvatrucha (MA, MS-13), Folk Nation, Mexican Mafia, Juggalo, and skinheads.

  • National Gang Report (2015)

    The 2015 National Gang Report (NGR) presents an overview of current gang activities and trends in the United States. Intelligence in this report is derived from Unclassified sources.

  • Compilation of Gang-Related Legislation (2016)

    Using automated databases and working with a variety of entities, the National Gang Center identifies gang-related legislation. This information is updated as new legislation and existing legislation are identified

  • National Gang Center Publications

    This webpage has links to recent publications and National Youth Gang Surveys.

  • FBI Anit-Gang Initiatives

    The FBI is dedicated to disrupting and dismantling the most significant gangs through intelligence-driven investigations and new and longstanding initiatives and partnerships such as Safe Streets Task Forces, the National Gang Intelligence Center, and Transnational Anti-Gang Task Forces.

  • Countering Threats to Correctional Institution Security (2019)

    Some threats to correctional institutional security - e.g., violence, escape attempts, contraband - are as old as the institutions themselves, while other threats - e.g., computer hacking, synthetic drugs, cell phones, drones - have evolved with societal and technological changes. Many of these threats present risks to public safety as a whole. In light of the ongoing challenges the corrections sector faces in countering these threats, RAND researchers convened an expert workshop to better understand the challenges and identify the high-priority needs associated with threats to institutional security.